The Redeemed Writers Group works to connect and nurture writers. Please find below curated happenings and news from our writers group members as well as a list of writing development resources, classes, festivals, and conferences. The inclusion of these resources and events does not necessarily mean an endorsement from the Redeemed Writers Group nor its leaders, and we recommend you check the source for the latest updates and advise you to use your best judgment.
Workshops: Check out The Writers Workshop at Authors Publish for a range of offerings to develop your writing across genres.
Peruse the offerings at the Literary Hub at for "the best of the literary internet every day"! Sign up to receive a weekly or daily roundup of all things literary and see their "5 Best Books of 2020 [We] Might Have Missed."
Authors Publish features "20 Literary Journals Always Open to Submissions" written by Emily Harstone.
The Center for Faith and Work (CFW) invites The Redeemed Writers Group members to write blog posts specifically Focused on (1.) Cultural Renewal (2.) Vocation or (3.) Calling. The CFW will share other specific themes as/when they arise, but they invite us to contribute writing on these themes for their blog. To explore the CFW blog and more visit
Valiant Scribe Literary Journal, a repository of curated content that focuses on faith and social issues, is accepting submissions year-round on faith and social issues:
Nana Ekua Brew-Hammond has published her first children's book! To order Blue, visit
Megan Wildhood (has published her first full-length collection Bowed As If Laden With Snow (Cornerstone Press, 2023), a rumination written over 13 years on the parallels between climate change and divorce. To order and review, please order through Amazon. To support small/independent bookstores, please order through
Adele Annesi’s new novel What She Takes Away (Bordighera Press), out May 9, is available for preorder via Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and everywhere books are sold. To order visit:
Robyn Wall has published two board books: (1) My First Book of Beards and (2) My First Book of Tattoos (Doubleday, May 2022). These are also available for purchase anywhere books are sold. To order Beards, visit To order Tattoos, visit
In addition, Robyn has published a story in the anthology The Lost Tales of Sir Galahad (Rabbit Room Press, Spring 2022). To order, visit
Lyonel Laverde has published his first YouTube commentary video! Check it out here!
Rachel Printy cites Madeline L'Engle in reminding us that "Stories make us more alive, more human, more courageous, more loving." To read Rachel's stories and poetry, visit her newly redesigned website at
Mary B. Safrit continues her work "Filling the gap between what the church offers and what single Christians need" with her podcast, blog, and more! Check out her newly designed website at
Follow our Writers Group Member's blog! "Norma Hopcraft writes a blog that concocts an elixir: one of her life and our common human experience, with the tang of the Kingdom. Shaken not stirred, in honor of Sean Connery. Written with a twist of serendipity and joie de vivre." For Norma's latest post, visit!
Follow our Writers Group Member's blog! Fleur Alys Dobbins (Playwright, Actor, Storyteller) writes humorous, uplifting and soul-searching pieces in memoir style. Also check out Little Yellow Bird and listen to her storytelling podcast here:
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